ABC's of Love
- Advocate for your lover whenever they need you.
- Be a great team player.
- Collect your thoughts before a confrontation.
- Discuss, don’t nag.
- Exercise your ability to turn them on.
- Find new adventures to embark on together.
- Give them reasons why you love them each and every day.
- Hold your partner’s hand while you walk down the street.
- Include each other in decision making.
- Judge not the mistakes of the past.
- Kiss slowly, forgive quickly.
- Learn your partner’s love language.
- Make love when he needs to be loved.
- Never put him down in front of others.
- Open your mind to change.
- Plan grand gestures of love for them every so often.
- Quit your bad habits.
- Resist temptation.
- Support to your partner’s dreams and desires.
- Trust your partner more than you trust anyone else.
- Underestimate not the power of praise.
- Value his attributes and strengths.
- Welcome his advice.
- X out selfishness.
- Yield and compromise when your partner needs you to.
- Zeal and creativity is how you please him between the sheets.